A 宝博体育 Cultural Immersion in 西班牙阿利坎特

A study abroad student standing by a small red truck and smiling at the camera

Getting to Know the 文化 of 西班牙阿利坎特, During a Semester 研究ing Abroad         

As a student fortunate enough to explore the beautiful city of 西班牙阿利坎特,而 宝博体育 here, I've been captivated by the city’s 文化 and history since my arrival. Having been here for a month and a half now, I find myself exploring new parts of the city each day.  

A study abroad student holding a piece of food toward the camera

This is a photo from our 文化 of wine workshop hosted at Urban Wine Shop & 酒吧. We were introduced to the science and study of winemaking and sampled wines from our region while practicing identifying their nuances. Food was paired with the wines, including patata bravas, one of my favorite Spanish dishes. 

One of my favorite parts of 阿利坎特 文化 is the people. Through daily interactions with 阿利坎特 natives at my favorite coffee shop, 咖啡打工天天, 在大学里和同学见面, 甚至在有轨电车上, I find myself connecting with my 社区.  

These experiences have not only helped to advance my 说西班牙语的技能 but have also allowed me to gain insights into the customs, traditions, and way of life in 阿利坎特.  

A study abroad student standing by a small red truck and smiling at the camera

A photo from my trip to Villajoyosa and the Valor Chocolate Museum! 在这里我们了解了《宝博体育》, one of the most famous fine chocolate producers in 西班牙 and which exports internationally. 

A group of study abroad students cooking at a long table

A cooking workshop my 东航卡帕 group and I attended. In teams of three, we were able to prepare a seafood paella known as arroz a banda. Once the paellas were ready, we all sat down and enjoyed them for dinner. 

By engaging with the host 社区 through my academic institution, I've been able to form genuine connections and friend船s. From the moment I arrived, I have felt at home due to the welcoming 文化 this city contains. The kindness and openness of locals have greatly contributed to my sense of belonging and immersion.  

A group of study abroad students dancing, as seen in a mirror reflection in a 跳舞 studio

This is from a flamenco 跳舞 class I attended. Although I am not much of a 跳舞r, this was a super fun experience. 

Another highlight of 阿利坎特 文化 is the local festivals. On February 10th, the 阿利坎特 Carnival (known as the Carnaval de 阿利坎特 in Spanish) takes place. This is an annual festival in the weeks leading up to Lent. This celebration was truly amazing as the streets were filled with parades, 奢华的服饰, 音乐, 跳舞, 还有文化表演. This was a beautiful time for the people of 阿利坎特 to come together in a celebration of life, 社区, 文化遗产. 

A large crowd of people standing outside underneath bright lights

This is from the weekend of Carnaval de 阿利坎特. This was taken on the street right below my apartment. 

Finally, I have truly fallen in love with my local neighborhood in 阿利坎特. My apartment is located in downtown 阿利坎特. 都在很短的步行范围内, 我可以去波斯蒂盖海滩, 圣诞老人城堡Bàrbara, 阿拉坎特中央百货公司, MACA Contemporary Art Museum of 阿利坎特, Esplanada, 和帕尔梅拉尔公园.  

An interior room of a museum featuring statues and paintings

The Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (MACA), located in front of the Basilica de Santa Maria. This museum exhibits 20th-century and contemporary art. During my visit, I saw pieces by a local artist, Eusebio Sempre. 

A large white outdoor building covered in blue pots containing plants

One of the most famous tourist spots in 阿利坎特, “the house with the blue pots.” On my way up to the 圣诞老人城堡Bàrbara, 我经过这条美丽的街道, 被称为圣克鲁斯大道.  

我以前从未在城市里住过, so being only a walking distance from so many amazing experiences has been awesome!  

A beach on a sunny day featuring palm trees and the ocean in the distance

La Playa del Postiguet as seen on my walk down from the 圣诞老人城堡Bàrbara. 我有个朋友周末来看我, so of course I had to show her 阿利坎特’s most famous spots, 包括城堡和海滩! 

Something that I have embraced within this 文化 is the idea of mostly walking or using public transportation. 诚实, I don’t mind taking a 30-minute walk to a destination as the streets of 阿利坎特 are a treasure trove of culinary delights, 艺术表现, 和美丽. I often find myself getting lost wandering around as it is truly mesmerizing.  



谢娜- Polsky

谢娜- Polsky is the 内容创作者-摄影师 in 西班牙阿利坎特, and is currently studying at Hamilton College.